Kikau Street
This is how my mother, when she wanted the little outboard to come and pick us up… she would shine this. This was a signal for the boatman to come...and then we used to get on the boat and go.
My father’s house in Kikau Street, Suva, Fiji. Childhood home. The last of our family have migrated to the USA. A wedding dress left behind. Downtown Suva. Pacific metropolis. Port. Rusting boats from around the Pacific rest here. Island Studios kept busy with Green Card and Passport Photos. Nausori. A river flows there. Cyclonic. The weather is changing. The river, swollen. Colonial sugar mill, plantations, barracks. The bridge. Great-Grandfather cut the cane. Rebellion. The interior. A volcanic landscape. On the beach, a shipwreck. At night they say, voices can be heard.
Kikau Street (2016) is from an ongoing project currently being made in Fiji and India.
Kikau Street, 2016 (3 screen HD Video)